Surname Fenocchi
In the website "The
origin of surnames" the author Ettore Rossoni states that the
surname Fenocchi:
surname Fenocchi, it is very rare, has been circulated in the
area between Milan and Pesaro, with greater presences in the
Lodigiano (Lodi), modenese (Modena) and pesarese (Pesaro).
Fenocchio is typical of the Piedmont and western Savonese (Savona),
with branches in addition cremonese (Cremona) and bresciano (Brescia).
Fenoglio is specific to the western Italy, Turin's Piedmont (Turin)
and cuneese (CN).
Fenoglietto is typical of Turin (Turin) and particularly
Foglizzo (Turin).
Fenogli and Fenoglietti possible nicknames arising from home
and medioeval that originate in places of cultivation Finocchio
Indeed, the origin of these names are a variation of the name
archaic or dialectical medioeval Finocchio which refers to the
eponymous word of the plant and that most everything has a
symbolic meaning (for a more thorough search of the origin of
the name should be search by the surname Finocchio).
In conclusion, therefore, is named the personal name of the
founders, even in some cases are not excluded derivations of
trade names or nicknames (like the finocchiario or cultivator of