About me
Who am I:
Ruben Fenocchi Battaglino
I was born in the Republica Oriental of Uruguay, department and city of
Montevideo, neighborhood Commercial.
Currently living in the neighborhood Malvín in the same city.
My family has its origin in Italy, region of Tuscany, province of Massa
Carrara, commune of Pontremoli, village of Grondola in the Luniagiana.
Some of its members emigrated from the port of Genoa to South America -
Uruguay - Brazil - Argentina and also to the North America - the
United States.
My great-grandparents came to Uruguay around year 1880.
I am the son of Ismael Fenocchi Fenocchi and Elida Rosalia Battaglino
Vecchio; grandson of Francisco Fenocchi Musseti and Annunciata María
Fenocchi Marioni and greatgrandson of Andrea Fenocchi Tegardi and María
Francesca Musetti, and Pietro Fenocchi and María Teresa Marione.
I am married to Miriam currency Albet, I have four
children and seven grandchildren.
Location: Republica Oriental of Uruguay, South America. Atlantic Coast
making borders with Brazil to the north and west as the Uruguay River
shared with Argentina, south him bathes the River Plate.
Coordinates: At latitude 30 north to the No. 5 'south and south to
latitude 34 º 58' South. At this length to 53 ° 12 'west and west to the
longitude 58 º 43' 40 "West.
Borders: 579 Kmts with Argentina, Brazil with 985 kilometres and 660
kilometres of coastline.
Area: 176.215 square kilometers.
Elev highest: Cerro Catedral with 513 meters above sea level at its peak.
Temperature: In the winter less than 2 degrees Celsius although not
normally low of 13 ° C; during this season are felt cold winds from the
Argentine pampas. In summer the maximum is 40 C but normally not exceed
25 ° C.
Population: 3,380,177 people in 2003.
For all the relatives and friends who have helped me in finding
information about our ancestors and the history of Grondola, Italy.
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